Deep Dives: Looking to Branch Out


One risk of branching out from the safe space of your comfort zone is: what if you pick The Wrong One, and it ruins you forever from trying the new thing ever again. We’ve solved that for you. Each one of these tins is a seafood that isn’t a sardine or a tuna, is different from everything else in the set, and is a great introduction to the species…meaning, if you like this version, you’ll probably like other versions, and if you don’t like this version, you probably won’t like other versions.

Ordering this item adds to your cart one each of: Mariscadora Mackerel Fillets in Olive Oil, Conservas de Cambados Octopus in Galician SaucePatagonia Provisions Lemon Olive Spanish White AnchoviesPatagonia Provisions Smoked MusselsOfficer Smoked Cod Liver, Conservas de Cambados Small Scallops in Galician SauceAti Manel Garfish in Olive OilAti Manel Squid Pieces in InkEkone Oyster Company Lemon Pepper Smoked OystersKing Oscar Kipper Snacks.


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