Brands below fall into one (or more) of the categories listed above. If you’re interested in more specifics, just ask.
abc+ (abc plus), Agostino Recca, Agromar, Amberfish, Amberjack, Ayam, Bar Harbor, Beach Cliff, Bela-Olhão, Blue Cove, Bom Petisco, Bornholms, Brunswick, Bumble Bee, Cocagne, Connetable, Conservas Angelachu, Conservas Antonio Pérez, Conservas Serrats, Conserveira de Lisboa, Corretora, Crown Prince, Da Morgada, Daporta, Dardanel, Delallo, Delamaris, Deutsche Kuche, Diplomats, Dobroflot, Dongwon, Donostia, Don Renaldo, Drifters Fish, El Manar, El Ronqueo, Escuris, Eva Delikates Adriatic Sardines, Fishwife (Campfire Cod, Fly by Jing, Smoked Trout), Freshe, Gabriel, Genova, Glenryck, Gonsalves, Good Boy, Graciete, Hénaff, Herpac, J Basket, José Andrés Foods, José Peña, Jupiter, Island Creek Oysters, Island Trollers, K-Town, Kanzumi Takenaka, Kersen, Krill Arctic Foods, Kyokuyo, La Belle-Iloise, La Capitana, La Compagnie Bretonne, La Curiosa, La Gondola, La Megara, La Perle des Dieux, La Quiberonnaise, La Sirena, Lucky 7, Manna Gourmet, Maria Organic, Millionaires, Mina, Minnow, Minor, Nazarena, Ocean’s (discontinued by the importer, RIP Korma Curry Mackerel), Ohotomorye (unavailable since the start of the war in Ukraine), Palacio de Oriente, Panasia, Pilchard Works, Prata do Mar, Pandomar, Paralleles, Parmentier, Polar, Portofino, Pujadó Solano, Ramirez, Reese, Rizzoli, Roland, Rosa Lafuente, Rödel, Safe Catch, Salmon Sisters, Samare, Sanfilippo, Santo Amaro, Scout Canning, Seasons, Siesta, Skin & Bone, Smiling Fish Fried Baby Clams, Solano-Arriola, Sotavento, Stabburet, Sultan, Tenorio, Tito, Titus, Tonnino, Tousain, Trader Joe’s, Tricana, Vantia, Varina, Vital Choice, Wild Planet, Wixter, Xavier, Zona.
If you’re looking for King Oscar in Tapatio Hot Sauce, that’s a product they only made once, years ago, and which customers loved the flavor of but hated the texture of due to the vinegar of the sauce which made the fish fall apart more than consumers felt was desirable. No one has them for sale any more.
Fish Steaks is a term used by Beach Cliff (and others) for herring fillets. Check out our line of Rügen Fisch products for similar (and we believe substantially better) items. And while we’re talking about Rügen Fisch, to the best of our knowledge their bratheringe/bratherringe product (fried, marinated herring) is not available in the US.
We do not currently carry gefilte fish. It only seems to be available in very large thin-walled glass jars that we’re not comfortable shipping by small parcel service.
We do not currently carry abalone, but we’d like to. From our research it appears that there’s a lot of undesirable product coming out of China, and a very, very little super desirable product coming out of Mexico. We’re on the list to receive some of the good stuff.
We do not carry any items that require refrigeration during shipment, which means no white wine marinated anchovy fillets, sometimes called white anchovies or boquerones (though both terms are also sometimes used to describe whole anchovies processed like sardines, which we do carry), no soft cod roes, pickled herring, herring in sour cream, lox, gravlox, or other perishable items.
We do not carry any dried fish products, like katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes), or any fish jerky or dried squid. It’s a logical extension, and we may at some point branch out in that direction. Let us know if you’d be interested, it would help us decide.
We do not carry any sardines in whiskey or whiskey sardines, and aren’t sure where Matthew got them.
The La Belle-Iloise aux Épices et aux Aromates aka Epices Aromates is not available in the US. The name means aromatic spices. They contain the same sort of spices that are in all the products we label as “spiced”. However, they are unique in the amount of each spice they contain. Still, doing a search on “spiced” will get you into the right flavor realm. Same with their Pitomail, which, looking at the ingredients, is a simple tomato sauce.
We do not carry any of the Wildfish Cannery “special release” products, such as their Octopus in Bullwhip Kelp Hot Sauce, Rockfish in Escabeche, Rockfish with Sumac and Dill, Smoked Coho in Birch Syrup, Salmon Belly, or Smoked Salmon Caviar. We also do not carry their geoduck, as it is unremarkable.
We were told that Connétable has stopped exporting to the US, but it appears that they’ve stopped working with small importers to distribute their more specialty items (we loved the Connétable smoked cod liver, with and without Piment d’Espelette), and are instead moving their more industrially produced items through Amazon.
We do not carry any of the Jose Gourmet pate products, including the Jose Gourmet Spiced Mackerel Pate. We don’t like them, and we only carry the products we like. De gustibus non est disputandum.
We do not carry the Ferrigno Les Belles de Marseille mousse, rillette, cream or pate products for the same reason.
We have not seen any pate de bacalao on the US market, but would consider it if a source were to appear.
We do not carry any of the Espinaler pate products, including the Espinaler mussel pate, scorpionfish pate, &c. We don’t like them. We also don’t carry Espinaler Romesco Sauce or any of their other condiments. It’s really hard for a glass jarred product to break into our line-up at this point, because of all of the extra labor and added shipping costs they require.
We do not carry any surströmming. We do not carry lutefisk, to the best of our knowledge it is only available in frozen or refrigerated versions.
To the best of our knowledge there is currently no tinned flounder, halibut, skate, lamprey, tilapia, red snapper, or haddock available in the USA. If you find a can of any of these for sale in the US, please let us know.
We do not offer any sort of subscription box. You can simulate that functionality by ordering a Surprise Me and setting a reminder on your phone to order again at whatever frequency you desire. You may also say “no dupes” in the notes and we will look at your history with us and ensure that nothing is repeated.
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